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ConciergeMe Privacy Policy


Last Updated: February 2023 is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We recognize that privacy is of utmost importance, and operate our company with protecting your personal information in mind. Concierge-Me’ Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) is designed to provide a clear understanding of the information (including personal information) we collect and how we store, use and disclose it in the course of our business operations. It applies to users of Concierge-Me and any affiliated websites, web pages and mobile applications (the “Site”), including those who are seeking to find a service provider through Concierge-Me (“Service Seekers”) as well as those who are looking to promote their services through Concierge-Me (“Service Providers”). For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to Concierge-Me. “You” refers to you, as a user of Concierge-Me and the various services that Concierge-Me provides (“Services”).

By using the Site and or the Services, or otherwise providing us with information, you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your personal information and other information as described in this Privacy Policy. If we are not able to collect, store, use and disclose information about you as set out in this Privacy Policy, we may not be able to provide you with access to the Site or Services.


We collect both “Personal Information” and “Non Personal Information” about Service Seekers and Service Providers. In this Privacy Policy, Personal Information has the meaning given to it in Israel's privacy laws and includes information that personally identifies you, such as your name and email address, and information that is linked to information that personally identifies you. “Non Personal Information” is information that does not personally identify you and is not linked to information that personally identifies you and includes passively collected information about your activities on our site, such as anonymous usage data.


A. Personal Information
Visitors can access and browse the site without disclosing most Personal Information, although, like most websites, we do record your IP address and web browser user agent when you browse the Site. Visitors who access and browse the Site without registering are “Site Visitors”. In order to utilize some of the services offered by Concierge-Me (“Services”), such as utilizing our online platform to contact individual Service Providers who have posted their profile, you must register for Concierge-Me. All users who register for Concierge-Me are “Members”. Users who register and also choose to pay for a subscription that will allow access to additional features are considered “Premium Members.” Unless otherwise specified, all references in this Privacy Policy to “Members” refer to both Premium Members and Members.


1. Personal Information you voluntarily provide to us about yourself in writing on the Site or by email
Regardless of whether you are a Site Visitor or a Member, all Personal Information that you provide to us when registering, posting a job, posting a profile, or that you otherwise provide us on the Site or by email will be stored by us. You may provide us this Personal Information in various ways, including:


a. Personal Information Provided by Registering for a Membership.
Users of the Site can register to become Concierge-Me Members in two ways. First, you can register directly through ConciergeMe. Second, you can register on Concierge-Me by connecting through Facebook’s application programming interface (API).

When you register directly through Concierge-Me, we will collect and store the information that you provide to us directly on our online forms, including but not limited to the following to the extent provided:

  • your first and last name

  • your email address

  • your home address

  • your gender

  • your birthday

  • your phone number

By registering at Concierge-Me through Facebook, you are authorizing Concierge-Me to collect, store, use and disclose in accordance with this Privacy Policy any and all information you agreed that Facebook could provide to Concierge-Me through its API. Your agreement (and our access to your information) takes place when you instruct, accept or allow Facebook to register you for a Concierge-Me account. The information you allow Concierge-Me to access is affected by the privacy settings you establish on Facebook. For example, Concierge-Me may access and store certain of your information, as allowed by you, Facebook’s API, and your preferences, including but not limited to the following:

  • your first and last name

  • your profile picture

  • your email address

  • your gender

  • your birthday

  • your location (i.e. city)

If you choose to purchase paid Services, Concierge-Me will also collect your credit card type, number, expiration date, and security code as well as your billing address for payment purposes.

b. Personal Information Provided When Service Seekers Post a Job
We collect and store all of the additional information that Service Seekers provide to us on your job posting, including but not limited to:

  • the type of care you are looking for, schedule, location, hourly rate, number of children, ages, narrative job description, requirements for a Care Provider (such as ability to drive)

  • pictures you choose to provide

  • health information, if you choose to provide it

  • references, if you choose to provide them

C. Personal Information otherwise provided through the Site or by Email or Postal Mail
Members may post Personal Information on the Site through other Site features and offerings including our online communications platform that Members may use to communicate with one another. In some cases, Site Visitors may have the ability to provide us Personal Information through the Site, such as contact information. In addition, both Members and Site Visitors may choose to provide us additional Personal Information by email or postal mail. We collect and store all of the Personal Information you provide to us through these channels.


2. Information provided to Concierge-Me by Site Visitors

Concierge-Me also captures and collects information that Site Visitors and Members provide about each other. For example, Service Providers may invite Site Visitors or Members to indicate their relationship to the Care Provider. Additionally, Concierge-Me Members may post reviews about any individual Care Provider. Members may also communicate directly with each other through the Concierge-Me platform. Concierge-Me captures and stores all of the reviews, exchanges, and references that are carried out on its Site.

3. Verification Checks

Using Facebook Connect
Concierge-Me offers you the opportunity to register on the website using your existing Facebook profile data. For this we use the Facebook Connect service provided by Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA ("Facebook"). If you use this feature you will be redirected to Facebook and prompted to log in using your username and password. We then use your Facebook credentials to log into your Concierge-Me account, but we do not retain them. If you are already logged in to Facebook, this step is skipped. After your email address and your public profile information (particularly name, profile picture, birth dates, number of friends, sex, language and country) is transmitted to us, you must confirm the "Login with Facebook" process by clicking the button. Afterwards a permanent link is established between your Concierge-Me and Facebook account. For more information about Facebook Connect, including the setting options available to protect your privacy, please review the privacy policies of Facebook.


4. Additional Personal Information Concierge-Me collects from Third parties
In addition to the information you provide to Concierge-Me, or we otherwise obtain in accordance with this Privacy Policy, Concierge-Me reserves the right for its for any of its associates or partners, whether current or future, to use your personal information to scan a variety of sources, which may include certain media streams, terrorist watch lists, criminal and fugitive watch lists, fraud watch lists, law enforcement reports, sex offender registries and other data in order to provide Concierge-Me information to evaluate your suitability for Concierge-Me membership, on an ongoing basis (“Verification Checks”). The results of these checks will be made available to Concierge-Me but will not be made available to any Site Visitor or Member. IF YOU DO NOT WANT THESE VERIFICATION CHECKS TO BE PERFORMED, YOU SHOULD NOT USE CONCIERGE-ME.

Concierge-Me may also obtain publicly available Personal Information, such as demographic data, and other information to enable it to comply with regulatory requirements, ensure the accuracy of data, better understand your likely interests, prevent fraud, etc.



B. Non Personal Information
In addition to the Personal Information you voluntarily provide to Concierge-Me, in an effort to improve the quality of Concierge-Me’ service, we record and process information provided to us by your browser when you view the site, such as the website you came from (known as the “referring URL”), what keywords drove traffic to the Site, the type of browser you use, and the time and date of access. We may assign you a unique identifier, which may be correlated with your Personal Information if you are a registered Member. As is the case with most websites, we collect this information passively from all visitors to the site, whether or not they are registered Members who have also provided Personal Information in direct interactions with Concierge-Me. We do so through various mechanisms, including:


1. Cookies
Concierge-Me may send one or more cookies to your computer that uniquely identify your browser. A cookie is a small text file composed of alphanumeric characters, including an anonymous unique identifier, that is sent to a user’s browser from our servers and is stored on the user’s computer hard drive. Doing so allows us to administer and customize our service and to better understand, on an aggregate basis, how users interact with our Site. For example, Concierge-Me may use cookies to compile the following information:

  1. the number of times a user views a website page

  2. the type of service a user searches for

  3. the links on the Site that a user clicks

Users are able to control their browser settings to limit the collection of cookies by Concierge-Me. The controls available to you will depend upon the browser you use, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Firefox Mozilla. However, if you choose to disable cookies, you may not be able to use certain features of the Site. For example, we require that you have cookies enabled to enroll in our service or to log in to your account. We do not store any personally identifying information in cookies. You can change your cookie settings at any time by clicking here.

2. Tracking Pixels/Web Beacons
We and/or our third party affiliates may employ “tracking pixels” (also referred to as “web beacons”) to count the number of users that visit a page on our Site that includes these tracking pixels. Tracking pixels are used to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and to better understand the way that users interact with our Site. These tracking pixels do not identify individual users and analysis of data obtained by these tracking pixels is performed on an aggregate basis. One of the third parties we use for this purpose is Google Analytics. Google Analytics provides an opt-out option, which can be found here.

3. Tracking of Non-Personal Information by Third Party Advertising Companies
We may also use third party advertising companies, such as Google, to serve or track ads on our website and other websites. These companies may use passively collected information about your visits to Concierge-Me and other websites in order to measure advertising effectiveness and to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. To find out more about the use of cookies and the information-gathering practices and opt-out procedures of Google specifically, please click here.



A. Personal Information
In general, the Personal Information we collect is used for the primary purposes for which it was collected, including (1) to enhance your experience with ConciergeMe by, among other things, allowing you to more easily find the care situation you are looking for, (2) to enable us to provide a safer community for all of our Members, (3) to help us communicate with you, and (4) enable us to provide you with the Site and Services. For example, we use it to contact users in response to questions, solicit feedback and input from users, provide technical support, and to inform Members about product or promotional offers. We may also use it to serve more customized advertising.

In addition, we may also use your Personal Information:

  1. to connect you with Service Providers or Service Seekers that appear to meet your needs and preferences.

  2. to register and service your account, contact you in response to questions, and solicit feedback and input from you (for example: via email surveys).

  3. to enable providers and seekers to search based on the Personal Information you have made available on the Site, and the information others have provided about you so that they can better find care matches.

  4. to determine the suitability of Members to participate in Concierge-Me. Concierge-Me reserves the right to refuse membership to any individual in its sole discretion for any or no reason. Among other things, we may refuse or terminate membership based on the results of any identity checks, verification checks, or Member complaints. Concierge-Me may also use a Member’s IP address to determine what country they are coming from, which may impact whether they qualify for Concierge-Me membership.

  5. to target promotional messages or content on the Site, via email or other ads on Concierge-Me or third party sites.

  6. for a secondary purpose that is related to a purpose for which we collected it, where you would reasonably expect Concierge-Me to use your Personal Information for that secondary purpose.

B. Information Collected Passively from Computers Visiting or Interacting with ConciergeMe
In general, we use information collected passively from your computer to help us improve Concierge-Me products and services and customize the user experience, such as provide targeted useful advertising based on the type of service you seek. For example, if you visit ConciergeMe and search for childcare we may show you a banner ad on another site. We also aggregate the information collected via cookies and web beacons to use in statistical analysis to help us track trends and analyze patterns in the use of Concierge-Me.


We may share your information with various third parties, including in connection with the purposes for which we collect your information as described below. Please review our sharing policy closely, especially with respect to your Personal Information. By using our Site or our Services, you agree to allow us to share the Personal Information you provide to us in the ways described below. Your ability to make changes to what information is shared is described below in Section IV.

A. Personal Information

1. With All Concierge-Me Site Visitors and Members
In order to increase your chances of finding a job or finding the care you need, we share all of the information, aside from your contact information, that you include in a job posting or provider profile with people who visit our Site. With certain exceptions, you choose how much detail you want to include in either your job posting or your provider profile; the more information you share, however, the better chance you have of finding either care or a job that works for you.


2. With Other Concierge-Me Members
In addition to the information that is provided to all visitors to Concierge-Me, Care Provider reviews are made available to all Members and Care Provider References are made available to Premium Members. In addition, your approximate residence location (through Google map plotting) is made available to all Members unless you elect to keep that information confidential.


3. With Concierge-Me Vendors/Service Providers
We also share Personal Information with vendors who are performing services for Concierge-Me on behalf of Concierge-Me, including without limitation, vendors who provide email services, vendors who provide demographic information, vendors who process credit card payments, vendors who provide geo-location information, vendors who run classified advertising businesses, in each case to the extent applicable. Concierge-Me has selected vendors who maintain high standards with respect to privacy and agree to only use the Personal Information to perform a specific service on behalf of Concierge-Me.


4. With Listings in Google and Other Public Search Engines, and on third party websites
In an effort to further facilitate your ability to find a caregiver or find a job, selected information contained in job postings and caregiver profiles by Service Seekers and Service Providers, which may include photo, first name, first initial of last name, city, job/provider description, may also be shared with third party search engines and other vendors who run classified advertising businesses, or with third party websites, and thus may be listed in third party website search results (e.g., Google), and on third party websites which would make that information available to the public and allow them to link to your Concierge-Me posting. Members can opt-out of this sharing if they adjust their privacy settings and preferences on the Site at the following URL link:


5. Disclosure by Law
You acknowledge and agree that we may disclose information we’ve collected about you, if required to do so by law or if we, in our sole discretion, believe that disclosure is reasonable to (1) comply with the law, requests or orders from law enforcement agencies, or any legal process (whether or not such disclosure is required by applicable law); (2) protect or defend Concierge-Me’, or a third party’s, rights or property; or (3) protect someone’s health or safety, such as when harm or violence against any person (including you) is threatened.


6. Our Affiliates
You acknowledge and agree that we may disclose any of the information we’ve collected about you to any of our affiliates or subsidiaries, whether current or future, for the purposes of providing you with the Services, operating the Site, and our other commercial purposes.


7. With Your Consent
We also may share your Personal Information with a third party if you consent to the sharing.

B. Information Passively Collected from Your Computer
This Privacy Policy does not limit our use or disclosure of any information passively collected from your computer via cookies, web beacons, or standard logging of website activity. If you do not wish to share this information with Concierge-Me, then you should take steps to limit the passive collection of data about your activities on our site, for example, by changing your browser settings to disable cookies, and opting out of information sharing at We reserve the right to use and disclose such Non Personal Information to our partners, advertisers, and other third parties at our discretion.


C. Business Transaction
In the event we go through a business transition such as a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, your Personal Information may be among the assets transferred. You acknowledge and consent that such transfers may occur and are permitted by this Privacy Policy, and that any acquirer of ours or that acquirer’s assets may continue to process your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.


D. Data Export
Our sharing of your information, in accordance with this Privacy Policy, may include the export of your information to affiliates or third parties in locations outside of Israel (“Offshore Recipients”), including the United States of America, Ireland and other EU countries. For example, we may disclose your information to law enforcement agencies overseas; to our US and EU based affiliates; and to our service providers (including data center providers) based outside of Israel.

You consent to the disclosure of your information to Offshore Recipients in the manner contemplated by this Privacy Policy. While Concierge-Me remains committed to protecting your privacy, you acknowledge and agree that: (1) Offshore Recipients are not subject to Israeli privacy laws and may store, use or disclose Personal Information in a manner that is not compliant with Israeli privacy laws; and (2) Concierge-Me has no control over, and is not liable for, the acts and omissions of Offshore Recipients.


A. Options Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information
Members do have control over what optional Personal Information they choose to share with us in an effort to make themselves more marketable to other Members (such as pictures, certain details in a job description or profile, etc.). In addition, Members may opt out of having their approximate residence location (through Google map plotting visible to Members by sending us an email at: with your name, email address on file with Concierge-Me and your request. If you wish to change or remove Personal Information, you may do so as described below.

Members also have control over what information, if any, is shared with third party websites to be listed in third party search engine results (such as Google.) You may send an email to: to opt out of your information being shared in them at all. Your email must include your name, email address on file Concierge-Me and your request.

Your opt out preferences will take effect within 10 days of receipt of your request.


While there is no practical way to absolutely assure the security of information you supply us, we have implemented industry-recognized safeguards to protect your information from unauthorized access. These safeguards include:

  • Concierge-Me uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer), the industry standard method for computers to communicate securely without risk of manipulation or recipient impersonation. We utilize SSL in the online registration process, in the login process, and in the account management section of the Site.

  • Concierge-Me uses strong encryption technology to protect sensitive information.

  • Concierge-Me employs firewalls and system monitoring to protect against unauthorized access of our systems.

Your user accounts are also protected by the password you use to access your online account with Concierge-Me, and we urge you to take steps to keep your password safe. If you feel your password has been compromised, you should change it immediately by logging into your account and visiting the “My Profile & Settings” section. After you have finished using our Site, you should log out of your Concierge-Me account and exit your browser.

We take these precautions in an effort to protect your information against security breaches. However, this is not a guarantee that such information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of such firewalls and secure server software. By using our Site, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to assume these risks.


By becoming a Concierge-Me Member, you are consenting to receive certain email communications from us, including newsletters, special offers, and customer surveys.

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purposes. If you receive promotional communications from us, you will be able to indicate a preference to stop receiving further promotional communications from us and will have the opportunity to “opt-out” by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the promotional e-mail. You also have a right to opt-out of advertising from the third party advertising companies Concierge-Me works with.

Please note that despite any indicated email marketing preferences, we may send you administrative emails regarding Concierge-Me, including, for example, notices of updates to our Privacy Policy, if we choose to provide such notices to you in this manner.


Concierge-Me may provide links to other websites that we believe may be of interest to our users. However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices employed by those websites, nor are we responsible for the information or content they contain. This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by us through Concierge-Me; thus when you use a link to go from our website to another third party website, this Privacy Policy is no longer in effect. We encourage our users to read the privacy statements of these other websites before proceeding to use them.


Concierge-Me reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service at any time. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat Personal Information by sending a notice to the primary email address specified in your account, or by placing a prominent notice on our site, so that you can choose whether to continue using our service. Significant changes will go into effect 30 days after we notify. Non-material changes or clarifications will take effect immediately upon posting of the updated Privacy Policy on our Site. You should periodically check for updates.


If you have any questions or concerns about Concierge-Me’ collection, storage, use or disclosure of Personal Information, or if you believe that Concierge-Me has not complied with this Privacy Policy or Israel privacy laws, please contact Concierge-Me using the details below. When contacting Concierge-Me, please provide as much detail as possible in relation to the query, issue or complaint. Your complaint will be taken seriously and will be assessed by an appropriate person with the aim of resolving any issue in a timely and efficient manner. Concierge-Me requests that you cooperate with Concierge-Me during this process and provide any relevant information that may be required.

You can contact us in relation at or at:


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